Our liver is designed to digest, absorb, and process food, as well as filter blood from the digestive tract before it circulates throughout our bodies. Toxins...
Did you know a magnesium deficiency could be the cause of your inability to get to sleep at night? Are you aware inadequate magnesium levels can...
If you regularly eat the wrong food, then using different products on your hair will not help. Healthy shiny hair is a dream of all of...
While a lot of meat and dairy products need to be refrigerated to keep from molding or going bad, there are a lot of other foods...
Vitamin D is an essential contribution to our body. It’s important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system — your body’s defense against germs. It...
Our bodies produce gas as a part of their everyday activity. As we eat, we swallow some air. In addition, the colon produces gas as it...
Good blood circulation is important for health in general, as it carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. However, when you have a poor blood circulatory system, it...